Building Leadership Skills through active experiences with Harvard ManageMentor

Empowering Growth through Cutting-edge Leadership Courses and Interactive eLearning

Why choose Harvard ManageMentor® for your Leadership Training?

Being Essential relaunched its exclusive partnership for Greece and Cyprus with Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) aiming to help organizations develop future leaders with high-quality, world-class leadership solutions. For over 25 years, Harvard ManageMentor® has helped global organizations unlock their leadership potential with content designed to build skills for today and tomorrow. It combines high-quality leadership content with an engaging design that puts learning into action.

Harvard ManageMentor® is both an on-the-job toolkit and a broader organizational content library available in Greek and other languages, that delivers a robust solution to learning, teaching and performance support needs for managers and leaders throughout the organization, where and when they need it.

With a broad range of topics, concepts and practical on the job tools, Harvard ManageMentor® is both a formal and informal learning and performance solution that translates learning to workplace performance.

Harvard ManageMentor® incorporates proven practices that reinforce learning and build skills, addressing a broad range of issues faced by managers every day. Harvard Business Publishing’s world-class experts make the program engaging, relevant and effective.

Forty-one modules address fundamental business topics including Business Essentials, Strategy Essentials, Change Management, Communication Skills, Personal Development, Working with Teams, and Working with Individuals.


As global leaders are faced with management challenges, Harvard ManageMentor® connects them with leadership lessons that help apply learning on the job to drive impact and bring companies closer to their shared goal in any language: business growth. Harvard ManageMentor® delivers content from world-renowned business and leadership experts, hundreds of media elements, and a highly engaging learner experience. Here are some advantages to take into consideration:

  • Access learning at the desk or on the go
  • Supports varied learning styles with a mix of content, videos, infographics, podcasts, and tools
  • Uses real-world scenarios and self-tests to assess readiness to apply learning
  • Keeps pace with change through regular content updates
  • Empowers team learning with manager resources
  • Simplifies learner management with dashboard, metrics, and tools.

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